Uwe Gesierich
Uwe Gesierich Born 1963, father of a son (10) and a daughter (8), lives in Canada. Designer, Copywriter, VisionQuest Guide Training with Creavista, Nature Facilitator at THNK Vancouver, Certified Life Coach through CTI Canada. Even as a boy, Uwe spent hours in the forest chasing frogs and slowworms. Later he…
Silke Schulze-Gattermann Alcelsa®-Coach and Biographer, Seminar- and Vision Quest Leader, Mother of teenagers… For 25 years I have been exploring and creating free spaces for the development of people and their life stories. In our current turbulent and confusing times, I experience the womb and the power of the earth…
Carlo Ceria
Carlo Ceria (* 04.11.1993) will be our young Italian Teamer, CreaVista-Student, Guitar-player, passionate musician and passionate handyman and gardener…he is an inner and outer World-Traveller…living as a young father in Damanhur-community with his wife and baby… “After travelling the world for a few years and discovering different cultures and…
Enrico Scheider
Enrico Scheider, father of a son, IT – professional, VisionQuest – leader, trained at CreaVista… coleader in Alpine-Rose Quest 2021/2023 Enrico, with his calm and contemplative nature, has a lot of experience in leading VisionQuests, e.g. also in Siberia and Italia…
Earth around Sun, Moon around Earth, Light, Air and Water circle around the globe, called Earth: all living beings, whom we encounter on the surface of the living Earth, Madre Terra, are evolving from spheres, from originally round shapes, are moving in bows, arches and bewegt sich in Kreisläufen, kehrt…

Shanti E. Petschel
Shanti E. Petschel, Grandfather, Mentor, Wilderness-Guide Potential Development Coach Prenatal Shock and Trauma Therapist Director of Campus CreaVista International Formation – Trainings: …Vision-Quest Guide, Maturity Challenge … Shamanic Family Constellation … Healing Wheel of Life, ´Medicine Wheel` … Aquatic Bodywork: Watsu & Wata … Hawaiian and Esalen Massage … Prenatal…

Helen Ananda Heddema-Schulz
I stand by my life as a mature woman full of enthusiasm for the fact that we humans continue to develop our consciousness and our actions in order to appreciate and protect life on this wonderful earth, because we can only protect what we know and love! I love a…

Andreas Föhr
born 1965, gardener, social pedagogue, since 2015 VisionQuest-Guide, trained at CreaVista, since 2014 own offers: https://www.herzens-anliegen.ch

Martin Fuchs
I like to create spaces with a lot of care and compassion, where people feel invited to develop themselves further and to discover potentials in themselves, which they have hardly suspected before. A great joy of life, a lot of community experience and a deep connection and love for Mother…

Knut Nitschmann
“How rich I am, knowing the grace and dignity that is in all that is” …born 1966 in East Berlin, after 38 years followed his heart to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, working as a self-employed carpenter. Handicraft-creative work with mentally ill adults and children. Process work with children and young people who…