Monte Rosa
Remember: Landscape IS Soul.
Our honored, most important indigenous teacher Semu Huaute*, the 85 years old Medicine Man of the Chumash Tribe in Southern California, was describing the healing quality of the VisionFasting, which was used as a connecting link between the peoples and their living environment. We feel deep gratitude to him and his people, who were taking this ritual as a main source of communal integration- very successfully for many, many centuries!
Today we call it a CreaVista VisionQuest. Trusting this process fully, for now almost thirty years, we can see it´s absolutely positive impact on two or sometimes three generations of people who came and went through this ceremony with us in , generosity and authenticity!
Maturity, constant learning, constant awareness
As grown-up humans, we are surely to be in service, on duty, to ensure our best contribution for safeguarding a healthy and safe planet, home for future generations. It takes millions of Hearts, Heads and Hands (3Hs) of the ´small people` to achieve the greater good for a thriving planet…Life will go on with us or without us – anyway! We have decided individually – so far – how we influence the trajectory of the evolutionary process at this very spot of global, planetary and human history – doesn’t matter if consciously or not!
So NOW the question is: how do YOU decide, how to shape your presence, your impact and how create your individual maturation, thus to participate positively in the further path of humanity? As you surely know, the future is always and solely designed in the very presence of anyone. What you think and believe now, will be attracted and show up in your future as a `reality`.
What we offer you is a little speck of insight, a field for your soulful expansion into something, you will cherish for the rest of your life.
What is VisionQuest?
Vision Quest is a Rite of Passage in wild nature. For fasting, to be alone and for inner reflection, people have retreated to the solitude of the wild mountains since time immemorial. They knew such ceremonies as a powerful way of searching for meaning, self-healing, for social integration. In times of transition and change, such a rite makes an essential contribution to clarification, alignment and a graceful farewell to the past. It describes the Hero’s Journey from a completed stage of life to the next, more mature stage.
Once everything falls away that so often obscures our view of the essential in everyday life, we look truth in the face – our own truth.
Without a doubt, we men find our strength, clarity, healthy aggression, subtlety, authentic compassion, and autonomy in intense togetherness, in respectful yet honest confrontation with our fellow men. Once you have experienced this wonderful, radiant and clear masculinity, which is revealed, when men meet each other among their peers in a fair and unbiased way, you will also find new access to your own inner and outer treasure chambers in your everyday life.
What to expect: We spend a total of two weeks in enchantingly wild mountain scenery.
During the first four days, nature, the Wheel of Life and the supportive circle of men will help you to arrive fully and to prepare yourself inwardly and outwardly for the Solo Time.

Alpe Meccia men`s Circle
Solo Time: Four days and nights fasting alone in Nature! Now you leave out everything that distracts you from the essential. A journey into the heart of things and to yourself is waiting for you; touching and transforming you deeply into your cellular being. Are you ready for it?

sunrise La Rosa Alpe Meccia

men power
Integration:We live outside, cooking on fire, sleeping in tents or under tarps, being in close contact with the land and the elements. In the 4-days integration-period, we honor and celebrate your story and together create a meaningful bond to your life, in presence and future. A deepening of your experiences finds a sustainable rooted place in your innermost being: like the light-filled mycelium of a new attitude towards life that marks you as a resilient member of the human family.
Contact for more info & to get to know each other:
Shanti Petschel