• ElemenTerraPeace

Integrative Aquatic Bodywork IAT

Integrative Aquatic Bodywork Self-awareness weekend in pre- and perinatal trauma healing for experienced and beginners in aquatic bodywork… This weekend offers you the framework and the possibility to get involved in your own process and path…We get to know prenatal movement patterns, practice them in the water & on land…


Shamanic Aquatic Bodywork – Agua-Alchemy

Shamanic Aquatic Bodywork – Agua-Alchemy An inspiring  workshop,  led by Helen Ananda & Shanti, Eberhard founders of IAKA-Germany since 1993 What does it mean to experience the Shamanic aspect of AB in this 50–hours seminar?: Water is one of the main elements in Nature, as we all know…&  the most…


Couple-time – being in the flow of life

 COUPLES – TIME – TIME out …at a wonderful place in Tuscany in the most beautiful nature,a wide view to the sea, warm pool, group room and noble rooms: www.sassetaalta.it …playfully, festively, sensually and in respectful solidarity we want to celebrate life,being happy, that we can be together with our…


Integrative Aquatic Bodywork (IAT)

Integrative Aquatische Körperarbeit Selbsterfahrungswochenende in Prä- und Perinataler TraumaHeilung für Erfahrene und Neulinge in Aquatischer Körperarbeit… Dieses Wochenende bietet Dir den Rahmen und die Möglichkeit, dich auf Deinen ganz eigenen Prozess und Weg einzulassen… Wir lernen pränatale Bewegungsmuster kennen, üben diese im Wasser & an Land und beginnen zu verstehen,…


Your path in the wheel of life

  Shamanic Family Constellation & Integrative Aquatic Therapy (IAT) -translation in work! …is a systemic family constellation, a deep self-healing process on the wheel of life.  …is sensibly supplemented and refined by Integrative Aquatic Therapy IAT, a bodywork in warm water. This therapy, developed and taught for 20 years by…
