• ElemenTerraPeace

Change Agent Life – Training 2025

Date - Time:
03.10.25 - 11.10.25 - 16:00 - 13:00 Uhr

Seminar venue: wird noch bekannt gegeben

…our very intense and rich time in the italian mountains at a beautiful place:
We will enjoy living close, cooking together, spending time alone and as a group in the beautiful autumn colors of our pristine nature, listening to the creeks and the birds….
Learning about the matrix of life: the medicine wheel and experiencing the wonderous messages of Mother Nature…
deepening our potential and skills for guiding others into the Wildernes during a VisionQuest by guiding others during the training through a Walk Away of 24 hours…


More information about the content of the Formation Training, the conditions and the leaders….see:

or write an email: shanti.petschel(at)creavista.org

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