• ElemenTerraPeace

VisionQuest – for young people 2023

“Maturity Challenge Wilderness”  Macugnaga, North Italy Vision Quest for young people 2023 “I do it for myself & for the world” … a ritual of seeking meaning and self-discovery. Since time immemorial, it has been used by humans to mark turning points in life. As a rite of passage on…


Terra instead of terror: VisionQuest

VisionQuest heißt: Landschaft ist Seele! Wenn du dich für nur drei oder vier Tage in die Wildnis von ´Madre Terra vergräbst, wird sich deine Seele in ihrem grünen Gesicht wiedererkennen! Du wirst ihre Lebendigkeit und Harmonie in dir selbst gespiegelt finden. Erlebst dein Erwachen aus dem Terror des täglichen Alptraums….


Education for life, unfolding potential … Learning with joy

LIFE CHANGER: Why this training? “There is a language that is older and deeper than words. It is the language of bodies, of body to body, wind to snow, rain to trees, waves to stone. It is the language of dreams, gestures, colors, symbols & memories.” Derrick Jensen The CreaVista…


Couple-time – being in the flow of life

 COUPLES – TIME – TIME out …at a wonderful place in Tuscany in the most beautiful nature,a wide view to the sea, warm pool, group room and noble rooms: www.sassetaalta.it …playfully, festively, sensually and in respectful solidarity we want to celebrate life,being happy, that we can be together with our…


Elemental Immersion – Finding Sense and Unity

VisionQuest means: Landscape permeates your soul! If you embed yourself for just three or four days in the wilderness of ‘Madre Terra’, surrendering yourself completely to it, HER green face will be reflected in your soul! From the walls of your everyday life in the world of right angles, your…


WALK AWAY for Women 2023

MEDICINE WALK  & WALK AWAY As one of the greatest tools to prepare you well for a long visionquest on a solo in the mountains, we offer you the opportunity for taking a one day´s Medicine Walk. Individually guided by Helen and Team! Ask for a date… The Medicine Walk…


VisionQuest for Women

On the Path of “Being a Woman”    Wild Women’s Power  Gentle Femininity Your personal development journey begins in a protected women’s circle. Together we go in search of tracks, explore our very own quality as women, nourish ourselves at the source of Mother Earth and prepare for a four-day solo…


Integrative Aquatic Bodywork (IAT)

Integrative Aquatische Körperarbeit Selbsterfahrungswochenende in Prä- und Perinataler TraumaHeilung für Erfahrene und Neulinge in Aquatischer Körperarbeit… Dieses Wochenende bietet Dir den Rahmen und die Möglichkeit, dich auf Deinen ganz eigenen Prozess und Weg einzulassen… Wir lernen pränatale Bewegungsmuster kennen, üben diese im Wasser & an Land und beginnen zu verstehen,…


Helen Ananda Heddema-Schulz

I stand by my life as a mature woman full of enthusiasm for the fact that we humans continue to develop our consciousness and our actions in order to appreciate and protect life on this wonderful earth, because we can only protect what we know and love! I love a…
