• ElemenTerraPeace

2024 Biogas-Workshop in Piemont

SymBIOasis       ElemenTerraPeace – Seminare die Sinn machen Bio-Gas-Workshop, Selbstbau ( 2024 Termin & Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben) Wie du Scheisse zu Gold machen kannst… Wir laden Euch herzlich ein zum einem Wochenend-Event, was ganz aktuell für viele Menschen mit eigenem Haus/Garten/Tini home ein Impuls sein kann (Gaspreise steigen grad…


Easter-Group-Formation Training 2021

Easter-Formation-Training in the italian mountains Good memories accompagning us: inner images of intense life, to be, live and learn in and from nature and discover, that we all are part of her…she is our mirror…landscape is Soul…Soul is Landscape! So much sharing of deep feelings- open hearts, of joy, music,…


Easter Module CreaVista Change Agent 2022

LIFE-Transformer: Why this training? “There is a language that is older and deeper than words. It is the language of bodies, of body to body, wind to snow, rain to trees, waves to stone. It is the language of dreams, gestures, colors, symbols & memories.” Derrick Jensen The CreaVista LifeChanger…


Education for life, unfolding potential … Learning with joy

LIFE CHANGER: Why this training? “There is a language that is older and deeper than words. It is the language of bodies, of body to body, wind to snow, rain to trees, waves to stone. It is the language of dreams, gestures, colors, symbols & memories.” Derrick Jensen The CreaVista…
