• ElemenTerraPeace

2024 Biogas-Workshop in Piemont

SymBIOasis       ElemenTerraPeace – Seminare die Sinn machen Bio-Gas-Workshop, Selbstbau ( 2024 Termin & Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben) Wie du Scheisse zu Gold machen kannst… Wir laden Euch herzlich ein zum einem Wochenend-Event, was ganz aktuell für viele Menschen mit eigenem Haus/Garten/Tini home ein Impuls sein kann (Gaspreise steigen grad…


SymBIOasis 2024: Year´s Celebration ALPE MECCIA

OPEN SPACE ALPE MECCIA 2024 We invite: all friends of the CreaVista Academy, all former questers of the past years, all companions, students of the life-changer training, all their parents, friends and partners, all colleagues from the network, friends of the Alpe Meccia and of course also the owner of…


Alpe Meccia 2021

Dear VisionQuest friends, Yeah it’s starting! The crowdfunding for the yurt on the Visionsuche-Alpe is ready! Let the crowdfunding video touch you, remind you, delight you, and make you feel connected to what connects us all in depth. Help us buy a yurt and build it on Alpe Meccia to…


VisionQuest – for young people 2023

“Maturity Challenge Wilderness”  Macugnaga, North Italy Vision Quest for young people 2023 “I do it for myself & for the world” … a ritual of seeking meaning and self-discovery. Since time immemorial, it has been used by humans to mark turning points in life. As a rite of passage on…


WALK AWAY for Women 2023

MEDICINE WALK  & WALK AWAY As one of the greatest tools to prepare you well for a long visionquest on a solo in the mountains, we offer you the opportunity for taking a one day´s Medicine Walk. Individually guided by Helen and Team! Ask for a date… The Medicine Walk…
