Welcome to CAMPUS CreaVista
Welcome to Campus CreaVista, Solutions with LOVE…
We are pleased to announce our new 2025 dates: at Current – news you will find general notes and our net finds on natural life solutions, personal and community health, enhancement of joy in your life and important information on soulful unfolding of your humane potential….
We have set up a blog on telegram and invite you to join, just see if it appeals to you. Shanti speaks in small videos about issues of today, inviting to take another look and maybe find new perspectives on influential developments. We offer topics that touch our daily lives and may be important for all of us together… https://t.me/creavista
We are looking forward to your feedback and wish you a successful year 2025, full of good encounters with nature, your loveds ones and with fresh courage and curiosity! May confidence and joy of life be your steady companions, deeply rooted in awareness and knowledge that we may use crises as opportunities for growth! May we all have the strength and humbleness to always go further and grow in our love…. MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH
We wish all our readers and participants, current and former, a healthy loving year 2025!
We hope that our offers/events can support you in becoming/staying resilient, confident, full of hope and trust in life, don`t hesitate to contact us for individual questions and individual support/coaching!
enjoy the beautiful nature in the upcoming summertime and hope to meet you in person…
Helen, Shanti & Team