• ElemenTerraPeace

2024 Biogas-Workshop in Piemont

SymBIOasis       ElemenTerraPeace – Seminare die Sinn machen Bio-Gas-Workshop, Selbstbau ( 2024 Termin & Ort wird noch bekannt gegeben) Wie du Scheisse zu Gold machen kannst… Wir laden Euch herzlich ein zum einem Wochenend-Event, was ganz aktuell für viele Menschen mit eigenem Haus/Garten/Tini home ein Impuls sein kann (Gaspreise steigen grad…


Work-Camp & more, Campus CreaVista Alpe Meccia 2023

Dear VisionQuest- friends, Yeah it’s on! The crowd-funding for the yurt on the vision quest Alpe Mecchia was finished in 2022! Let the crowdfunding video still touch you, remind you, delight you and make you feel connected to what connects us all in the depth of our hearts. Here you…


PermaCulture – Forest Garden – Tended Rewilding

…there is a common notion, that ´Permaculture is some sort of an agri-cultural approach of production of food as acommodity! This is exactly the opposition to what we have found out in a full Life´s Quest to get back in touch with the truth of SOIL! Rather than the  perfection…


Vegan nutrition

To eat vegan or to live vegan is a decision that more and more people make for themselves. In Germany alone, depending on estimates, 600,000 to 1.2 million vegans live. Why this is so and what possibly speaks against the vegan way of life, we light up in this article….



Systemic Solutions will replace Systemic Mistakes! Home-made Energy-Technology, Earthships, Vegan Lifestyle, Sane Continuum Culture (Holographic Permaculture), Forest Gardening, Water-Stewardship, Preservation of Biodiversity, Wilderness Landscaping, Rocket Mass-Heater… Some realist and scientifically trained people say NOW is the last chance for Human Culture to prevent a global extinction of life-forms by titanic…



Earth around Sun, Moon around Earth, Light, Air and Water circle around the globe, called Earth: all living beings, whom we encounter on the surface of the living Earth, Madre Terra, are evolving from spheres, from originally round shapes, are moving in bows, arches and bewegt sich in Kreisläufen, kehrt…
