Datum - Zeit:
16.06.24 - 29.06.24 - 16:00 - 11:00 Uhr
Seminarort: Casa Elementare
Casa Elementare
via Rio Salso 21 Frassineta –
47021 Bagno di Romagna
The wilderness camp at Casa Elementare
The large grounds of the Casa Elementare Wilderness Camp located in Frassineta in the Rio Salso Valley, near the town of San Piero in Bagno, is the ideal place to encounter the silence of wild nature far from all the hubbub of urbanized spaces.
We are located at the foot of the Casentino forests in a Valley that has been uninhabited for about sixty years in which nature has regained full possession of its expressive freedom.
In addition to the fascinating natural surroundings, the overnight stay is a real adventure. Far from the comforts of a hotel, with no electricity or running water, one gets close to the forest even while sleeping.
The Elementary House camp was self-built with green building techniques, using mostly local materials and thanks to the commitment and care of several communities of people who helped us. It is a camp in constant evolution and in great dialogue with what Nature continually transforms and was created to host free camping and bivouac formulas.
The camp offers the possibility of finding hospitality for a vacation or work time for periods on demand.
Hospitality in tents
Overnight accommodation is provided:
– With own tent;
– In our 2-person tepees;
– In the 70 sq. m. yurt that can accommodate up to 25 people.
– Bivouacs in the forest: these are primitive shelters of leaves and beds suspended among the trees in the forest. Each bivouac is 1 person;
Compost toilets
There are green-built compost toilets in the camp.
There are no.2 toilets and no.2 camp showers.
A camp kitchen is present or it is possible to cook in the fire circle. It is possible to reserve the use of the ancient Frassineta oven at the private house. We are opening a home restaurant and it will soon be possible to eat at the Frassineta house as well.
Seminar room – yurt or former barn at Frassineta.
The yurt can be booked as a seminar room or there is a 90-square-meter room in the former barn that can accommodate groups of up to 40 people.
The wilderness camp spaces at Elementary House will be active from summer 2024.
for more info write to casaelementare.frassineta@gmail.com
Dem »Weib-Sein« auf der Spur – Wilde FrauenKraft – Weiche Weiblichkeit

ein Zeichen des Himmels über der Weite
Diese Frauen-Sommer-Zeit mit VisionsSuche findet in den Bergen statt, in einem wunderschönen waldreichen Gelände voller Bäche mit klarem trinkbaren Wasser…Wir sind zu Gast in einem neue entstehenden Zentrum, der Wildnis-Schule von Christian Mancini (Casa Elementare-San Piero in Bagno) mit Blick in die Weite der waldreichen Landschaft …https://creavista.org/veranstaltungsorte/casa-elementare/
Leitung: Leitung Helen Schulz und Corina Fuchs
Assistenz: Helgard Heller

Fly into freedom
PDF-Flyer 24 folgt demnächst: 2023 VisionsSuche für Frauen
ein Frauen-Interwiew von 2023: https://youtu.be/MAAV_yXhCjE
850,- € bis… ? (nach Selbst-Einschätzung)
…eigene Anreise mit Auto oder Bahn nach San Piero in Bagno/ Emilia Romagna – Näheres bei Anmeldung…
Kost und Logis: vegane Vollwert-Outdoor-Küche, Bad/Gruppenraum/ Wohnen im eigenem Zelt: 400€