• ElemenTerraPeace

Extinction Rebellion: Action FOR LIFE

Systemic Solutions will replace Systemic Mistakes!

Home-made Energy-Technology, Earthships, Vegan Lifestyle, Sane Continuum Culture (Holographic Permaculture), Forest Gardening, Water-Stewardship, Preservation of Biodiversity, Wilderness Landscaping, Rocket Mass-Heater…

Some realist and scientifically trained people say NOW is the last chance for Human Culture to prevent a global extinction of life-forms by titanic proportion. Some say it is already too late and We The People can only try to prepare for the worst and hope for the best! However – as Martin Luther was quoted – ´if I knew that the world would go down tomorrow, I would still plant a new Apple-tree!`

Either way: we CreaVista – people chose that option for ourselves, too, additionally constructing different appropriate low-tech systems that would help us to change into the better direction; for instance: a Bio-Gas Containment- System an easy to be made construction to close the never avoidable Methane-Cycle of our private Household. It is working well now for more than two years, while we are using all our organic waste to recycle Energy from it for cooking and heating up water. Low budget calculation is possible by integrating used and re-used materials. Easy and fast to construct, within one weekend…and a lot of fun…

Some years ago we also have switched our nutritional habits from Semi-Vegetarian to a whole-food VEGAN Lifestyle, started to grow more and more of our green food in our own expanding Permaculture Forest-Garden. Today we have gained more and more food-security and can actually see the difference better and better in the environmental diversification, the additional appearence of species and the better management of the openly flowing water.

Building absolutely off-grid homes for the people in transition towards the ´Past – Carbon -Era`, is also something of enormous impact and support for a fast change in the needed direction. We have invested time, money and life in the new technologies included in the EARTHSHIP Solution, which is one the safest and most approved new building systems  on the planet today. So in our new, expanded program, you will also find the possibility to join us and our team of professional Earthship builders or even become a professional, certified ESI – builder yourself…

Daniel Petschel is a professional, certified Earthship Builder, and you will find his workshops on our page in the near future. (see also Biotecture Solutions)

Fridays for Future

Now, the new movement in the generation of children, youth and students, initiated by Greta Thunberg, called Fridays4Future (fff) is brave and in despair enough to be taking on the stubborn of the people in power! confronting them on the open stages of Climate Conferences, economic forums and on the main-streets of the world. They found a way to be heard and becoming visible: and they are virulently demanding a change of perception, thinking and action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byiWsQaKnQU

Extinction Rebellion, London

Now is the moment to save life on earth!
Only by becoming virulently active in the right way do WE The People have a real chance to find out if there still is a chance – or that it actually was really too late! We actively support the movement of Youth, parents and Grandparents worldwide to save the planetary population       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAH3IQwHKag

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