• ElemenTerraPeace


Datum - Zeit:
22.07.25 - 14.08.25 - 15:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Seminarort: Macugnaga

Unser liebster VisionQuest-Platz, die Alpe Meccia/Macugnaga, liegt auf 1.800 m Höhe, wie auf  einem „Balkon“gegenüber der gigantischen Berg-Göttin „La Rosa“ (Monte Rosa 4670 m), dort haben wir 2 alte Stein-Alphütten gepachtet mit viel Platz rundherum für unsere Zelte, die Jurte für die Gruppenarbeit und viel weites wildes Land mit Flüssen/Wasserfällen  & atemberaubender Sicht.
eine Wegbeschreibung nach Macugnaga erhältst Du bei Anmeldung….

Monte Rosa vom Tal…

…finally becoming an adult
A ritual in quest of the meaning of life

… Discover your life’s purpose … Realize who you really are … Follow your dream worth living. As a rite of passage on the threshold to adulthood, the VisionQuest in the wild has had a firm place in many cultures for thousands of years. We have transformed the ancient VisionQuest ritual for today’s people and thus kept it alive. Your path of development as a free and independent adult: with courage, clear focus and a healthy self-esteem … three very special weeks for young people aged 16 – 29 … Childhood is already behind you, now you are facing the biggest challenge of your young life. So many questions are coming your way … and you may be asking yourself:

What do I want to do with my life?
Who do I want to be as an adult?
How do I find my own place in the world?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
how can I deal with both?
What do I want to learn about myself?
What moves me to freedom & responsibility?
What do love & sexuality mean to me? …

Which of these topics appeal to me? If any of these questions move you deeply, you are ready for this path of serious searching. We invite you to participate in a threshold ceremony that will help you gain clarity about yourself, your realistic possibilities and your own original choices. You will be more sensitive, more equipped and empowered to find your answers, your next steps on your path…You have the chance to become the person you have always dreamed of.
If you are curious and courageous enough to conquer new spaces, to cross boundaries, to overcome the barriers of your childhood, you are truly ready to become an independent adult!

read further here: https://creavista.org/reifepruefung-wildnis-jugendquest-2025/

Seminar leaders: Helen Ananda Schulz, Eberhard Shanti Petschel and an international team

Financial compensation for 21 days: from € 980.- to 1.800,- according to self-assessment, decide AFTER the experience, deposit of € 500,- upon registration

Additional costs: Your own travel and personal equipment – Vegetarian full board and all infrastructure costs: € 480.- & your family pays a contribution for your stay & company during the family week.
* This event for young people takes place in parallel with the VisionsSuche for adults, a special opportunity for both age groups to learn from and with each other!

Detailed information will follow after your registration here:



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